Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A spontaneous road trip and a birthday surprise

For the record, this is not me.
I'm not much for being the center of attention, you guys. Gary knows that. So, quite often, for my birthday, we just take a drive up into the mountains. There may not be a single picture of me on a lot of my birthdays. Instead, there will be a lot of pictures taken by me. It works. I'm not all that photogenic anyway. Ha!

Anyway, on my birthday in 2014, we took one such trip, at the end of which, was a little town called Walden. 

There we encountered, quite by accident, Gary's cousin that he forgot he had. She took his card at a restaurant where she was the owner/operator and sole employee, saw his name and said, “Hey, you're my cousin, cuz. Surprise! LOL

You just never know what's going to happen on one of our adventures. For some stupid reason, I didn't take her picture either. We did, however, have a nice walk around town before heading back. It's a great little town. Chock full of action. (NOT) And that's just the way we like our towns here in Colorado.

Naturally, I also did not think to take a picture of all the crumbly old main street buildings, which were so old west, it would have been easy to believe we had gone back in time. You see, at that time, the adventure blog wasn't even thought of and I was pictured out from all the photos I had snapped on the way.

So, aside from Marty Moose there, I only took this one picture in Walden, looking out toward the mountains over the Lake? Pond? Swamp? I don't know, you guys. Typical, right?

It's not even that great of a picture. What was I thinking?
Luckily, I can redeem myself because on the way to Walden, I took some beauties. So here's my best picks of those pics. Please don't ask where along the way we were. I have no idea. I just takes 'em as I sees 'em.

Except for this one, which was the beginning of the trip. 

Still, don't ask me what road this is. LOL
And the last one, which was taken just before we arrived in Walden, of course. And they are in order. So, if you're an avid Colorado traveler, you may be able to discern our route, I guess. Otherwise, why not just enjoy them without the labels and such? That's the best way, anyway.

Oh, and by the way, just so you understand how incredibly awesome I am, but mostly in case you're wondering why some of the trees are blurry, a lot of these were actually taken from the car window, while barrelling down the highway. Don't worry. Gary was driving. 

Yup. It was a beautiful birthday! And seriously, do visit Walden if you get a chance. And if you do, don't be like me. Take some pictures of the actual town. Because who knows? You might need them for a blog some day.

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